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Your donations can help us to continue our work conserving the unique nature of the landscape in our trust, such as the repair and building of drystone walls, retaining and renewing boundary fences, planting trees and hedgerows, establishing wildflower meadows and installing new accessible gates.


Cheques can be delivered to Dr E. Downes, 10 Westfields, Richmond, DL10 4DD

If you wish to set up a direct debit our bank details are as follows:

Richmondshire Landscape Trust

Sort Code: 05-07-12

Account Number: 39499881

Support Richmond's green spaces
Leave a one-time donation

Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give (or pay in membership fees), we get an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue, helping your donation go further.

Thank you for helping us maintain Richmondshire's green spaces

2023 Richmondshire Landscape Trust

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